A Club Was Born In Ain In 19 ..

You should know that one of the first two 2CV clubs in the world was created in 1952 in Bourg en Bresse, the other being declared the same year in Orléans and is still active.
The Bresse Bugey Dombes Deuche was born from the initiative of a group of enthusiasts of this little Citroën, who gathered around the nearest club, the Lyon 2CV Club.
During the World meeting in Holland in 1997, the idea was launched, to create a club in Ain, which was formalized in December of that same year.
This association is based at the town hall of Ambutrix, and brings together about sixty members coming mainly from Ain, but also from neighboring departments.
But What Do We Do In A 2CV Club?

The Bresse Bugey Dombes Deuches offers discussion and exchange on the different possibilities of maintaining and restore his 2CV.
Anyone can question members, get advice and help. The everyone's knowledge, period spare parts and specific tools are also part of the assets of a club.
We talk a lot about going out: indeed one of the main motivations in club life is to keep cars running. Local walks, organized by the members of the club, regional outings, gathering of 2CV organized by other associations and especially the traditional "National" and "World" which punctuate the "Deuchist" life.
Of course the other old vehicles do not leave indifferent and the gatherings and various exchanges of old cars also attract the members of the club.
Each year, it is not less than 10 to 15 manifestations that are followed by club members. Moments of usability are also an important factor in the life of the club.
The Met from BBDDEUCH '

The first meeting organized by the BBDDeuch 'was in 1999 at the Château des Echelles in Ambérieu en Bugey. One year after the creation of the club, its objective was to accompany the celebration of the 400 years of the Treaty of Lyon which united Bugey, Bresse, La Dombes and the country of Gex to France.
Subsequently and for two years the club organized two gatherings at the Longeville lake, their objective was to welcome over two days, the maximum number of 2CV owners for walks, festive evenings, exhibitions for children. visitors.
A first experience of the Rally materialized in 2004 around the Rallye Rhône Alpes, over a week, it allowed to travel every day a different department, with a route, accommodation, a welcome evening organized by a different club. This original initiative was acclaimed.
In 2008, it was a question of celebrating the 10 years of the club with dignity. On a weekend, at the lake of Blye, all the regional clubs and the former members of the club blown away together the candles.
For several years now, the club has been organizing its traditional "tourist rally" at the start of summer. This unites the members by its organization. A friendly moment much appreciated by members but also participants from Ain or further afield.